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January 2025

Starting in November, fourth and fifth graders at Rashkis have begun to participate in the Library Leaders program during morning work time (7:25 am - 7:50 am) on school days. Students learn how the library functions, create displays, and support peers in browsing and self-checkout. So far, we've had a great time building our skillsets and learning what we like (and don't like) about working in the library. Below, this year's Library Leaders share microblogs about their experience so far. Enjoy!

What tasks do we do?

Well we do stuff like weeding books, which means to find books with inaccurate data or books that are destroyed to repair and putting them in a donation pile. We also shelve books, which means to put the books on the right shelf, and we check-in books. We answer questions at the circulation desk. Finally, we tell you stuff on the blog, have a great day!! :) 


  • Annie W., 5th grade

I think that the library has all the books I like that’s why I do Library Leaders so I can help out and get inspiration on what books I like. I’ve already read 2 books because of it either way Library Leaders is very, very fun.


  • Andre P., 5th grade
  1. What tasks we do is to help people.
  2. How it feels to be in the library in the morning is good and fun to help.


  • Natalee G., 4th grade
  • Always music on in morning
  • Like checking in books
  • Don’t like coloring
  • Could have an ocean live scene on smart board
  • It feels calming in the library in the morning
  • I like teamwork
  • Library should be organized, calm, and quiet


  • Worth S., 4th grade

My favorite thing about the library is that if you’re researching about a certain topic, for example: Blizzards. Then there are so many books on just blizzards. And for different levels for differing grades. There everyone can read and research about anything.


  • Aiden W., 5th grade

I love working in the library in the morning. One thing I like about being a Library Leader is you get to check in books and help all around. 


  • Eleonora V., 4th grade

The fourth and fifth grades help the kindergarteners, first, second, third grades to find books, sort books, and help you check in so come in the library and get a book.


  • Timur B., 4th grade
  1. Our tasks as a library leader is to help people find the book they want. 
  2. It feels so good to be in the library.


  • Anika C., 4th grade